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Housing / Real Estate

For dynamic Housing data, please access our Cuero Site Search page, here, then scroll down and click on the Housing tab.

General Housing (2010 Census)
Total Units 2,961
Total Occupied 2,557
Single-family Owner-occupied 1,626
Occupied by Owner 63.6%
Renter-occupied Housing Units 36.4%
Householder 65 yrs and older 30.2%
Vacant Housing Units 13.6%

For information on rent houses please contact:
Cuero Chamber of Commerce
124 E. Church Street
Cuero, Texas 77954

Country living can become a reality in Cuero. There is an abundance of property in a country setting that is close to town. Build a dream house or settle into a home already built on several acres.

With Cuero covering 4.9 square miles, any home in Cuero has easy access to restaurants, shopping, and recreation.

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Web site sponsored by the Cuero Development Corporation.
Designed and maintained by Wabbitt Web Design.

Page updated 2015.12.10